About Me

We are the oldest organized Yoga center in the world. In 1918, Shri Yogendra ji laid the foundation of our 100-year legacy which drives us forward to this day. The Yoga Institute has incorporated the essence of classical and traditional yoga systems like Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Laya Yoga etc., so that people can comprehensively derive the benefits from all these systems rather than a single system. Our beloved and esteemed Director, Dr. Hansaji Yogendra, spearheads the efforts of the Institute in her unique and powerful way. Hansama has touched the lives of millions through her graceful and simple teachings.

The Yoga Institute, established by Shri Yogendra Ji in 1918 is the world’s oldest Yoga Center. Being the world’s first established yoga center, the institute has served as a foundation for the evolution of yoga throughout the world. Its 100 year old legacy is suffused with the ideals, wisdom and practice of Yoga and the yogic way of life. This legacy is also the source of a deep, unwavering, global commitment to self-transformation through Yoga. As part of its commitment to this legacy, the Institute has trained more than 100000 yoga teachers across the globe and has transformed the lives of millions who sought inner transformation, mental peace, and healthy living. The Institute’s significant contribution to Yoga education, standardization of yoga practices, research, and experiential learning has been widely recognized.

What I Offer

Weekly Classes

  • Corporate yogaYoga sessions can be incorporated into businesses to promote employee wellness. Classes can focus on stress-relieving techniques like guided meditation and restorative poses.
  • Energizing yogaYoga classes combine yoga postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation to improve strength, flexibility, and overall well-being.
  • Acro yogaA practice that combines acrobatics, yoga, and Thai massage. Students work with one or more partners to perform sequences of inversions, flows, and balances. 

Private Classes

In a private class, you can focus on the individual needs of each student. This can help beginners feel more comfortable in group settings.

Seasonal Retreats

yoga and meditation sessions, healthy meals, workshops, and time for reflection or explorationSome retreats may also have special events with guest instructors.

Take Your First Class for Free

Yoga For Beginners: 7 Tips For Starting Yoga For The First Time
  1. Start with Acceptance.
  2. Release Expectations.
  3. Understand the Core of Yoga.
  4. Notice Your Breathing.
  5. Get Comfortable in Stillness.
  6. Learn Basic Yoga Poses.
  7. Find Beginner Classes.
Follow Us
Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 8 AM – 5 PM
Sat-Sun: 8 AM – 2 PM


(255) 352-6258


1234 Divi St. #1000
San Francisco, CA 94220